Post Tagged with: "lactation consultant"

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Who you gonna call for breastfeeding advice?

by / on August 24, 2017, 3:43 pm / in Information, Thots N Tots

by Brigitte Rozario @ Thots n Tots. BREASTFEEDING can be very stressful, especially if you’re doing it for the first time and not sure if you’re doing it correctly. Is your child latching on well? Is he getting any milk? Is it enough? These are some of the questions that typically go through the minds of new mothers. Lactation consultant […]

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Bernama TV:  Breastfeeding And Work : Lets Make It Work

Bernama TV: Breastfeeding And Work : Lets Make It Work

by / on August 14, 2015, 9:15 am / in In The Media, News, Rita Rahayu

Dr Ezura Madiana Monoto, IBCLC (Family Medical Specialist, Pusat Perubatan UKM), and Rita Rahayu Omar, IBCLC (Both Lactation Consultants from talk about how to make breastfeeding actually work for the mother and the working environment. Also touch on a range of topics: how breastmilk is produced, the first 6 months and beyond, breastfeeding positions, common misconceptions, support and advocacy, […]

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