Date: 28/2/2016 (Sunday)
Time: 10am to 12.30pm (2.5 hours)
Pusat Maritim Putrajaya
No. 1, Jalan P5/5im Putrajaya
Precinct 5
Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya
GPS coordinates:
(2.935758, 101.6549261)
Fees: RM150 (save RM90!) usual fee is RM240
What will you learn?
– The Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC) which is Basic front carry with a wrap
– The Hip carry using a long wrap (with its variations)
– The Ring Sling
That’s right! You will learn 3 types of carry in 1 session!
In this session,you will:
– learn how to do each type of carry in a step by step manner and achieve the same results everytime!
– learn how to “feel” if the wrap job is good or not (the trainer will troubleshoot and fix it in the spot. She will also share other extra tips)
– get to ask all the questions!
– get to try several types of woven wraps (eg. Bebe Sachi)
You will be taught by 3 Babywearing Consultants from Die Trageschule Dresden.
Rita Rahayu Omar
Shazana Zainal Abidin
Ismazura Sapuan